2.2 Part or Identifying Number (PIN). The PIN is constructed as follows.
AA58045 - X
1 = Class 1
2 = Class 2
CID Identifier
3. SALIENT CHARACTERISTICS. Failure of the tow tractor to meet the salient
characteristics of this CID shall be cause for rejection of the tow tractor. The tow tractor shall be
free from faulty construction and any defect that affects appearance, serviceability, and
durability. The tow tractor shall be representative of the quality and workmanship found in tow
tractors offered for new commercial sale.
3.1 Gross vehicle weight (GVW). The tow tractor shall have a minimum GVW of 40,000
pounds (class 1), or when specified (see 7.2 c), a minimum GVW of 53,000 pounds (class 2).
3.2 Overall dimensions. Overall dimensions shall be the minimum consistent with the
operational performance and the design constraints necessary to achieve the specified
performance. Overall dimensions shall not exceed:
Length: 200 inches without couplers
Width: 110 inches without mirrors
Height: 100 inches
3.3 Drawbar pull (DBP). The tow tractor shall have a minimum DBP of 27,000 pounds on dry
level concrete.
3.4 Power train. The tow tractor shall have a commercially available, liquid cooled,
turbocharged diesel engine of not less than six cylinders and power train sufficient to develop the
required drawbar pull and obtain the required tow tractor speeds. Power train components shall
have adequate torque and power ratings for the imposed torque and power. The tow tractor
power train shall possess sufficient cooling capacity to perform continuous maximum
performance towing in high ambient temperatures of +125 degrees F without exceeding the
manufacturer's maximum allowable temperatures on the individual power train components.
Any requirements for towing in high ambient temperatures (recommended coolant ratios, oil
types and viscosities, etc., for various temperature ranges) shall appear in the Technical Order
(TO). The diesel engine shall operate satisfactorily when using Jet A-1 (JP-8) fuel. Power train
shall feature a standard (type C) winterization package that is good for starting down to minus
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