inertia brake. The trailer shall stop within 30 feet or less of the point where brakes were first
applied. The trailer shall not jackknife. At the end of five test cycles, inspect the service brakes
and actuating mechanism. Failure to operate satisfactorily or evidence of excessive heating or
distortion shall be cause for rejection. Back-up test. After passing the brake stopping capability test, the trailer shall be
subjected to a back-up force. The service brakes shall hold momentarily, but with continued
force, shall release and allow unrestricted rearward travel. The test shall be performed five times.
4.5.5 Towing force test. Place a scale between the prime mover and the towbar of the loaded
trailer. The prime mover shall apply a gradual towing force through the scale to the loaded
trailer, with its brakes released and with the trailer on level concrete. The trailer shall roll before
the scale registers 270 pounds. Breakaway test. Manually tow the loaded trailer and exert a pull on the breakaway
cable to actuate the brake system. The wheels should lock, bringing the trailer to a halt.
4.5.6 Mobility tests. During the following tests, the trailer shall be closely observed for its
ease of handling. Any undesirable tendency to yaw, sway, dog walk or jackknife shall be cause
for rejection. Road tests. The trailer, loaded with an 8,500 (+100, -0) pound test load, shall be
subjected to the following road tests:
Level Paved Highway
20 - 25 mph
100 miles
Graded Gravel Road
10 - 12.5 mph
50 miles
Level Course 1/
10 - 12 mph
5 miles
1/ On a level course containing obstructions one inch high, regularly spaced at six foot intervals
and at right angles to the direction of travel of the trailer. Maneuverability. Upon completion of road testing (see, the loaded trailer
shall be towed over level paved highway, at speeds of eight mph through fifty right circle turns
and fifty left circle turns, both at maximum cramping angle. It shall then perform twenty-five
sudden stops at a speed of 20 mph. At the conclusion of these tests and those described in, the vehicle shall be closely examined. Any evidence of excessive wear or damage shall be
cause for rejection. Side slope test. At a speed of 5 to 10 mph for a distance of 20 feet, the trailer, loaded
with an 8,500 (+100, -0) pound test load, shall traverse at not less than an 8 degree (1.75 inch
rise/ft) side slope, without overturning.
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business